Competitions for Primary Schools & Pupils 2019

Inspire, Engage, Reward. School competitions add diversity to your timetable and provide provide classroom resources and activities for you to use.
School Competitions offer opportunities to inspire pupils to engage with subjects in more depth offering rewards as encouragement. The competitions below are all open at some point during the upcoming year.
Global Canvas Children’s Art Competition 2019
Brief: If you’re young, arty and concerned about conservation, why not enter our Global Canvas contest? Your colourful creation could end up on display at London’s Natural History Museum!
The Global Canvas Children’s Art Competition was set up in 2004 to encourage young people to express their concern for the environment through art. The 2019 theme is ‘Habitats of the World’.
Entry: 31st January 2019 deadline | entry is free | ages up to 16.
Opinion: This competition gives you the opportunity to explore some cross-curricular topics via this year’s theme. Whilst this is an art competition, children can explore the geography of where animals live and the history of how that came to be!

National Literacy Trust Competitions
Wimpy Kid diary writing competition
Brief: In partnership with Penguin Random House, we’ve launched an exciting competition aimed at children in Key Stages 2 -3 (years 3-7).
Based on The Meltdown, the latest book of the ever-popular Diary of a Wimpy Kid series by Jeff Kinney, we are asking children to to write a 500-word diary entry about the most exciting snow day they have ever had or could possibly imagine.
Entry: 31st January 2019 deadline | free entry | ages 7 to 12.
Opinion: There are a number of excellent resources to download alongside this competition on the NTL website. This is a perfect opportunity for some extra Key Stage two writing activities.

Roy of the Rovers competition
Brief: NLT are launching an exciting competition based on the recently released, new era Roy of the Rovers books.
The competition will come with fun-filled, engaging resources along with some fantastic prizes to be won, including £250 worth of books and comics for your school!
Entry: opens 1st February 2019 | free entry | ages 8 to 12.
Opinion: There will be a number of resources available to download alongside this competition on the NTL website. This is a perfect opportunity for some extra Key Stage two writing activities.

Young Enterprise Fiver Challenge 2019

Brief: Fiver challenge provides a highly interactive, fun way of introducing financial education, enterprise and the world of work to primary school pupils as they aim to make as much profit as possible from £5 in four weeks.
Entry: registration opens in March 2019, challenges start from May and deadlines are from 7th June 2019 | entry is free | for all primary pupils.
Opinion: This competition covers money as parts of the maths measurements content domain, it also introduces the working world to children. The logo design and marketing segments will allow for artistic skills to be expressed, whilst the sales pitch and pop-up shop elements offer the opportunity for a drama challenge; video recording these sessions would incorporate more digital skills also.
PA’s Annual Raspberry Pi Competition
Brief: Use your ingenuity to transform the way we travel
Returning for its seventh year, entries for the PA Raspberry Pi Competition 2019 are now open. And this year’s theme is ‘Transport and Travel’. We spend so much of our time traveling to school, college, work, holidays, the doctor, or just to go out and have fun. So, we’re asking students across the UK to help build a positive human future by using a Raspberry Pi microcomputer to invent something that will improve people’s experience when traveling.
Entry: 18th March 2019 deadline | entry is free | for years 4-6.
Opinion: A super challenge for any classroom coders! An opportunity to engage with computing and the Raspberry Pi computer.

British Science Week Poster Competition 2019
Brief: The theme for the 2019 poster competition is ‘journeys’
Get creative and enter the British Science Association’s annual poster competition, on the theme of journeys.
Your students can make their poster about anything involving journeys. The five best posters from your school can be entered into our UK-wide competition with the chance for students to win an array of prizes.
Entry: 5th April 2019 deadline | entry is free | for all primary pupils.
Opinion: An opportunity to engage with science and art for this creative competition. This year’s ‘journeys’ theme also gives you the opportunity to discuss the history of NASA journeys, for example, as well as the geography of various journey destinations. Teachers could also incorporate creative writing as part of this theme; a diary of an astronaut’s journey would really engage children.

National Galleries of Scotland Art Competition for Schools 2019
Brief: There are six categories, each with a different theme inspired by your national collection, and 85 fantastic ways to win. Entry to the competition means you can apply for £100 of funding for art materials or a free artist-led workshop at the National Galleries of Scotland with travel expenses paid.
We hope you enjoy looking at, talking about and finally making your own art.
Nursery Themes: Petals, Leaves and Bumble Bees
Primary Year 1-3 Theme: Dragons
Primary Years 4-6 Theme:s Spark, Flicker, Flame
Entry: 26th April 2019 closing date | free entry | all primary years.
Opinion: With a number of ways to win this is well worth your class’ efforts.

Spirited Poetry 2019
Brief: On three previous occasions, we have received thousands of exciting entries for a contest that showed the ways RE and poetry can connect. We are pleased to announce a third Spirited Poetry competition, coinciding with National Poetry Day on 4 October and World Poetry Day on 21 March 2019. This year’s competition will be run over three terms. This will allow schools to have it as a focal point for National Poetry Day this year and/or World Poetry Day next year.
Entry: 31st July 2019 deadline | free entry | ages 5+.
Opinion: An opportunity to combine RE and English with this unique poetry competition. There are a number of themes to follow and respond to with 15 prizes up for grabs.
Competitions with Entry Throughout the Year
Entry to these competitions is ongoing throughout 2019, so bookmark the lists and submit entries when your class is ready.
Young Writers: Poetry Idol, Ghost Stories and Pet Poetry competitions
2019 Competitions – To Be Confirmed
Entry to these competitions has not yet been announced but we anticipate they will be available for entry soon. Bookmark the URLs below or check our updated blog post later in the year; you can sign up to our mailing list or follows us on social media for updates.
National Young Mathematicians Award
National Open Art Children’s Competition
Young Writers: Poetry Patrol & Poetry Wonderland (teaching resources are available on request now)
International Schools Essay Competition
More 2019 Competitions
There are a few extensive lists of additional competitions if the ones in this post don’t cover all bases!
Good luck to all of you for your entries. We wish you all the best!
We would love to see your competition entries, please be sure to email them through to or tweet them to @HeadStart_UK.
If we have missed any competitions you think we should share, please let us know.
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