April Dates for Your Diary
With the changing of the clocks and the lengthening of the days, April brings optimism and brightness. The two weeks off don’t hurt either! Here are some activities and resources to help you plan your lessons.

Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month
April marks a time to increase the understanding and appreciation of mathematics and statistics.
Mathematics pave the way for future generations to engage in technologies that will shape the world of tomorrow.
Engage children today and they will lead the way.
Our maths range of resources for key stages 1 and 2 give children the foundation they need.
International Children’s Book Day
Tuesday 2nd April
International Children’s Book Day is celebrated to inspire a love of reading and to call attention to children’s books.
The spirit of 2019’s ICBD is for us to slow down and enjoy reading, escaping to other wolds.
Let there be interesting books for readers and interesting readers for books!
As teachers, we can inspire young readers to pick up a book and escape.
Walk to Work Day
Friday 5th April
Walking to school or work can have huge health and environmental benefits and is really worth the effort.
As the mornings get brighter and the temperature rises, April is a wonderful time to get outdoors and build a positive habit.
Walking has numerous positive impacts on our health including weight loss and increased concentration for the rest of the day. While avoiding using fuel powered vehicles also impacts positively on the environment, further improving our health.
Keep safe & enjoy.
International Mother Earth Day
Monday 22nd April
Celebrate our beautiful planet.
The Earth and its ecosystems are our home. In order to achieve a just balance among the economic, social, and environmental needs of present and future generations, it is necessary to promote harmony with nature and the Earth.
International Mother Earth Day is celebrated to remind each of us that the Earth and its ecosystems provide us with life and sustenance.
This day is an opportunity to teach pupils how important our planet is and how their interconnectedness to other children means that we all play an important part in keeping the planet healthy.
Here’s how you can get involved:
World Penguin Day
Thursday 25th April
April 25th is World Penguin Day. This celebratory day coincides with the annual northern migration of Adelie penguins. This intrinsic migration pattern is conserved across generations.
A wonderful opportunity to discuss various topics in class including climate change, animal migration and endangered species.
Other Notable Dates for Primary School Diaries
- Stress Awareness Month
- Family Safety Week from 1st
- World Wautism Awareness Week from 1st
- World Health Day on 7th
- National Siblings Day on 10th
- Good Friday on 19th
- Easter Sunday on 21st
- World Pi Week from 22nd
- English Language Day on 23rd
- World Book Night on 23rd
- Stop Food Waste Day on 24th
- National Gardening Week from 27th
- International Dance Day on 29th
Get in touch and let us know how you mark these key dates.
Email us at info@headstartprimary.com or tweet us @HeadStart_UK.
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