February Dates for Your Diary
The shortest month of the year is packed full of topics and events to base lessons around from mental health awareness and caring to sign language and internet safety.

NSPCC Number Day 2019
Friday 1st February 2019
It’s maths, but not as you know it.
Join thousands of schools for a mega maths-inspired fundraising day and raise money for the NSPCC.
Whether you dedicate a day or an hour to being a maths maverick, every pound you raise counts towards our fight for every childhood.
Register here and plan your day with digital downloads, fundraising tips, maths activities, posters and more from NSPCC.
sign2sing 2019
4th – 10th February 2019
Be part of the biggest signing event in the world and take on sign2sing with…Take That!
Between the 4th and 10th of February thousands of children across the UK will perform Greatest Day by Take That in British Sign Language.
sign2sing is a wonderful opportunity for your school to do something new and educational- learning to sign while also fundraising for the Deaf health charity SignHealth.
Register here to receive your free pack including DVD tutorials to get your whole school involved.
Children’s Mental Health Week 2019
4th – 10th February 2019
Healthy: Inside and Out!
Place2Be is encouraging children, young people and adults to look after their bodies and their minds – and you can join in!
It doesn’t have to be difficult. Our bodies and minds are connected, so simple things that we do to improve our physical wellbeing can help our mental wellbeing too.
Head over to the Place2Be website to find resources including assembly guides, activities and more.
Safer Internet Day 2019
Tuesday 5th February 2019
Together for a better internet
Across the UK, we want to inspire a national conversation on how we can come “Together for a better internet”. We will be calling on everyone to do something to make a positive difference online, whether they are a young person, parent, carer, grandparent, school, police service, local authority, policymaker, tech company, regulator, health professional, social worker, youth worker, or wider – we all have a role to play.
Get involved via the UK Safer Internet Centre website where you will find resource packs for pupils, teachers and parents.
You can also read our blog post on how everyone can stay safe online.
Time to Talk Day 2019
Thursday 7th February 2019
During Children’s Mental Health Week, Time to Talk Day gives you the opportunity to raise further mental health awareness and encourage pupils to talk if they need to.
This year’s Time to Talk Day is all about bringing together the right ingredients, to have a conversation about mental health. Whether that’s tea, biscuits and close friends or a room full of people challenging mental health stigma, we want you to get talking.
Head over to the Time to Change website to download your free Schools Conversation Pack.
Other Notable Dates for Primary School Diaries
- National Heart Month
- LGBT History Month
- Big Schools’ Birdwatch – from January [blog post]
- Wear Red Day – 1st
- World Wetlands Day – 2nd
- World Cancer Day – 2nd
- Chinese New Year – 3rd
- Send a Card to a Friend Day – 7th
- National Pizza Day – 9th
- Toothache Day – 9th
- World Day of the Sick – 9th
- International Epilepsy Day – 11th
- Valentine’s Day – 14th
- International Book Giving Day – 14th
- Care Day – 15th
- Random Acts of Kindness Day – 17th
- National Love Your Pet Day – 20th
- Real Bread Week – from 23rd
- Eating Disorders Awareness Week – from 25th
- Fairtrade Fortnight – from 25th
- You Can Care Week – from 25th
Get in touch and let us know how you mark these key dates.
Email us at info@headstartprimary.com or tweet us @HeadStart_UK.
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